Using a robot called ANDROS, the bomb squad targets the detonator and disarms the bomb, but the location clues Horatio in that the actual target was the bomb squad. Outside the house, Horatio spots a boy on a bike with a package, both given to him by a strange man. Horatio joins the bomb squad and guides his former colleague, Kat, through disarming the bomb only to find it’s a fake, filled with sand and nothing more. Megan is proved right when a call comes in that the bomber has struck again: a businesswoman named Mara Bergos was attacked in her kitchen. When Lauriana’s hands pop positive for TATP, which was used in the bomb, Horatio thinks she’s the culprit, but Megan is certain the two women don’t know about each other, and notes that TATP is common ingredient in hair dye and nail polish. Realizing Moreno had two wives, the CSIs question his American wife, Julisa, and his Colombian wife, Lauriana, and swab both of their hands. After discovering the paper used by the bomber for the ransom note was imported from Colombia by none other than the victim, Delko speaks with US Customs officer Charlie Berenger, who shows Delko Moreno’s wares as well as a picture of Moreno’s wife from Bogotá-who is clearly not the same woman living with Moreno. After they fail to find the trigger among the remains in the house, Megan Donner thinks to check the boots of the firemen who responded to the call, and Horatio finds a photo cell stuck in the treads of one of the men’s boots. Calleigh finds a mesh material she identifies as French lace, indicating the bomber gained access to the house through an unlocked window. Determined to track down the bomber, Horatio has his team scour Moreno’s house, looking for the remains of the bomb.

Horatio is crushed when his former mentor, Al Humphries, is killed while trying to disarm a necklace bomb placed around the neck of Colombian importer Aurelio Moreno. But, after they find that out, the CSI team discovers the bomber is after the bomb squad. With evidence in hand, they search a Colombian port and discover things about the workers, that they think will help the case. With two more bombs, they are put to the test to find out who is doing it and who are the targets. With his friend gone, Horatio works double the strength into this case, which worries Megan, who lost her husband in the line of duty. A necklace bomb exploded killing a man and a good friend of Horatio's.